Additional FAQ's About Land Claims Recognition

The following are additional FAQ's that address the lunar land claims recognition concept. See the main FAQ's page for more.

1. Does the average person here on Earth who might purchase lunar land as an investment realize the environment outside our atmosphere is hostile?

By the time it is possible to purchase Lunar or Martian land under a Land Claims Recognition law, there will have to have been a settlement established and a functioning space line going back and forth carrying paying passengers.

That means there will have been an extraordinary amount publicity about conditions there, including extensive news coverage of the establishment of the settlement and space line, with lots of live, high definition broadcasts back to Earth.

Even the most ignorant people will have to really have absolutely no interest in what's going on around them to escape getting a full education - and those are probably not the ones who would want to buy land, or a ticket, in any case.

Of course, consumer protection laws would require anyone trying to sell a land deed to very clearly disclose all relevant facts, which would certainly include the extreme temperatures and lack of air and water.

I think most people will understand that owning lunar land is like investing in raw, undeveloped land on Earth. You buy it relatively cheap, despite the difficult conditions, and then if someday someone decides to build a Helium 3 mining facility, or a solar panel array, or a spaceport (or a shopping mall) on your acreage then you'll get rich.

In the meantime, there will plenty of brave scientists and adventurous spirits who will understand the risks and conditions on the Moon, but will go there anyway to do the work that will needs to be done. - or take the vacation of a lifetime.

The Space Settlement Institute. All rights reserved.